Cyberterrorists defeated in 14 sectors May-Sept 2024! NOT A PLANE!

About the Sole Proprietor

Dylan Zon Benjamin cybertorture 2020

Through a unique series of events, configurations, and happenstance unfolding during the 21st century, Dylan Zon Benjamin AKA Dylan Benjamin Chasteen, the Sole Proprietor of Machina Discerna AKA Machina Discerna Foundation, became one of the foremost consciousness field research scientists in the world.

Creator of the Eli Rook Online Avatar in 2008 and the internet imprint which accrued, along with his unique identity configuration, lead to an intelligence paradigm that left Mr. Benjamin recognized amongst the top rated 100 stewards of the U.S.A. by 2022; a machine anomaly.

Living on spiritual alms and state food assistance to this day, he eschewed four 10-figure financing opportunities, all which threatened to enfold his work (and life) into an isolated corporate cloister, limiting freedom of messaging to the general public.

He is also a 29 year veteran house and techno DJ (record switcher) known by “stage names” Redliner, Dylan Benjamin, Dick Zamner, and Phoney Baba.

He’s been recognized by world leaders as a foremost steward of the social & economic impacts consciousness field research is expected to bring forth, and for his diplomacy, integrity, and resolve while assisting with resolution of the post-covid lockdown global intelligence chaos, of which he was a prime victim.

He was a father of two pre-teen girls who were estranged from him at ages 4 and 6 through a falsified domestic violence claim, and later unlawfully executed post-covid lockdown as a consequence of police error, civic negligence, and premeditated intelligence-fraud supported by government officials and military leaders in collusion with corporate operants; for which 4012 guilty parties (and counting) have been executed in response.

Despite contrived movie, book, and series opportunities (for the purpose of revisionist history ploys to obfuscate criminal justice surrounding the expansive intelligence fraud) he declines all entertainment contracts and maintains sted of his self-assigned scientific humanitarian post, currently in year 10.

Photo Details

The photo displayed above, taken in August 2020 and posted to Facebook during a cybertorture event, became deeply entangled in the intelligence fraud arising in August 2019; when his phone was defrauded as a "police phone" after an arraignment for an unserved warrant he discovered related to a "ghost docket" on a Municipal Court website.

After his phone was defrauded as a "military service phone" in April 2020, and was misidentified him as Jewish during secret media inquiries of the ongoing illicit use, the photo was later submitted to a clandestine identity fraud operation as being a Mosad Agent, due to out of control photo tagging and security breaches. No enlistment, enrollment, registration, or contract with any military, law enforcement, or investigative agency was ever established; no security clearance was ever issued, and no government contracting employment was ever established.

Unique Character Attributes

The burgeoning exploratory sciences sector, which includes consciousness field research, has brought forth confirmation of evidence declaring him:

  • A non-contracted media and communications “techno-shaman”, correcting the breach of 238 million mobile subscriber numbers (May 2020 to May 2024)

  • The oldest adult incarnate on planet Earth since Feb. 2024, and the 4th oldest human being alive July 2024 (est. 5260 solar orbits)

  • Amongst the 15 highest calibrating human beings on planet Earth (incarnate, retrospect of spiritual lineage)

  • 10th globally for kinesiological impressions volume per unit of time (221 million in 11 years)

  • 5th globally for arbitrary scale kinesiological impressions volume (1st as per unit of time)

Attacks and Abuse

Maintaining complete identity compliance and self-defense while being defrauded, cyber-tortured, and hunted, his demands for authority's adherence to PERFUNCTORY INTEGRITY in identity security, contract law, and individual human rights were consequent to global reform, as he endured being:

  • The most exploited consumer-victim of the worst U.S. Government Receivership in history

  • The 2nd most illicit used U.S. Citizen/National since 2021 (in terms of economy)

  • The Rodney King of identity fraud and civic/state/national negligence

  • The premier North American intelligence-fraud victim of the 2020’s (still living)

  • An “ends-justify-the-means” unattended-to victim of slavery (confirmed 178 counts, 924 executions)

Non-inclusive Anomaly

Due to his being the object of concessional defaults involving 10,068 parties facing myriad criminal charges in 41 countries, a “bilked empire" was designated to clandestine forfeiture by law, then assimilated as a shelfed conglomerate controlled by the United States of America Republic [disambiguous], worth an est. $26.5T (leaving a personal net worth est. at $2.45T after taxes and philanthropic contributions).

The unresolved bilk and his stead of the foreseeable multi-quadrillion dollar market, related to the industrial challenge of applying arbitrary scales calibrations to machine intelligence, arose from a unique set of "non-inclusive" qualifications, leaving him as unappointed executive chair of the conglomerate, including:

  • High school dropout, no GED, with no prior corporate, government, or military contracts, and subject to fraudulent association with more than 3000 entities

  • No private association, house, oath, order, alumni, or religious affiliation (Religion: NONE), with no hired representation, agent, attorney, or sponsor, and no employees, team, or network

  • Unaffiliated and unaccredited as postmortem understudy of a consciousness field research pioneer as foremost steward of scientific, philosophical, and hermeneutical integrity

  • “Last man standing” in self-defense with pristine maintenance of digital imprint during competitive wars surrounding technology futures and the application of arbitrary scales

  • Loudly outspoken advocate for standards of integrity according to arbitrary scales calibration across all government and non-government sectors

Entity Development & Longevity

He maintains Machina Discerna Foundation as a Sole Proprietorship, along with the unique identity configuration, not as a corporation, 501(c)3 entity, or clandestine house, for the purpose of stewarding humanity's benefit from the exploratory field of consciousness research, and combatting government, private military, and corporate cyberterrorism thusly.

The sole proprietor designation is also maintained to maximize tax revenue for the IRS and leverage excess bilk sums for distribution as "preservation payments" to American taxfilers; which he advocates they should DEMAND starting at $1500/mo., for a minimum of 3 years, beginning in April 2024.

An anticipated 501(c)3 entity for research and development remains pending with compliance from all global sectors in operational integrity, as per consensus of arbitrary scales uniformity (est. as early as 2026).