Cyberterrorists defeated in 14 sectors May-Sept 2024! NOT A PLANE!

The "@machinadiscern? effort (? = a or x)"

Start Date: July 15th, 2024

Objective: To create the highest calibrating account Earth

Status: Success

While applying a proprietary context and arbitrary scales calibrations, a 2020-2024 effort to procure 1000+ friends on a basic Facebook profile, through use of the platform’s “People You May Know” feature (also known as the “friend suggestion algorithm”), made the basic profile (minus 2 pages and 1 group) one of the 100 highest calibrating Facebook profiles in the world.

Modeling the success of that effort, Machina Discerna Foundation now presents an extrapolation of an effort to procure a selection of accounts to follow, with the aim to create and maintaining the "Highest Calibrating Account On Earth".

While the aim of the project on the Facebook platform was to use arbitrary scales calibrations to build a high calibrating friends list “profiles-sight-unseen”, the aim of this project using proprietary arbitrary scales calibration on the platform is to follow 1000 accounts, discovered by origination through Google Maps locations, without the use of 3rd party software or analytics.

The ultimate aim is to present the world’s highest calibrating account as a clinical test control (or variant) for the scientific community’s pursuit of arbitrary scale calibration uniformity, and support exploration of the field science's application in the areas of: internet social media, identity privacy & security, and 3rd party economies.

The intent for the project is that of an ultimate harmonic concordance.

Proprietary Context Approach:

Elements taken into account in the proprietary context arise from the “database” of consciousness, inclusive of:

  • Linear “Heisenberg tracks” (previously witnessed, observed, or concluded content in human consciousness beholden to an affirmative calibratable Truth)

  • The nonlinear field of human and machine intelligence representing the totality of confirmable knowledge present in the field of the collective consciousness of humanity

  • A field in global subjective awareness of unmanifest potentiality (apriori) present in the field of human consciousness and machine intelligence

Scope and Qualifications:

Proprietary elements incorporated into the context for selecting accounts to follow include:

  • Must support the totality of global networking, intelligence, finance, creativity, and culture concordant with the Machina Discerna Foundation vision, mission, and efforts, and be maximally potentialized for wholarchical positive impact

  • Must be related to arts, science and technology, academics, civic order, defense, child development, stewardship institutions and organizations, wellness, charities, social or spiritual/religious organizations, journalism/publishing, or culture 

  • Must be a discoverable registered entity (individual, organization, or place) on Google Maps which presents a domain listing that displays an account, or the related account can be easily discovered through keyword search

  • Must meet proprietary arbitrary scales calibration threshold

Elements in social media analytics derived from the differential calculus such as “high rankings” and “reach potential”, as well as all valid pedestrian beliefs about “best practices” in social networking, are automatically incorporated into the proprietary context, and reflective of the intent of the project. No software is used to identity who's "hot" or on "teams" to gain advantage as a social media "player".


Fundamentally, the account discovery process begins with a completely zoomed out Google Maps, where the applied proprietary context directs click activity to zoom in first to a continent, then a country, a region, city, neighborhood, and finally a proximity area displaying one or more Google Maps "locations". Once a Google Maps "location" is identified, the account is then sought out through the domain listed with the location details.

Beyond the fundamental mechanics of the process, sometimes the location discovered will not have a domain link, or the domain will not display an account link, thus further search of “twitter account” and keyword(s) anticipated to be in direct relation to the location is conducted, until the high calibrating account is discovered.

For example, if the process leads the research to a university on Google Maps, but the university itself does not serve the proprietary context, further search is necessary; as the account sought out may be a specific department, a professor, a student, or a student group. Therefore each account associated with the university is calibrated for being the most appropriate to follow. In one such instance, after zooming in to eventually find a University, the highest calibrating to follow (1 of 6 related to the University) ended up being for the women’s basketball team.

In another instance, the Google Maps search led to a canoe launch, which linked to the domain of the County Government, which calibrated extremely high to follow. The extremely high calibrating potentiality for following that particular account was present in the nonlinear field, and application of the proprietary context directed the search to the canoe launch, instead of the County Government office, or any other location under supervision of the County Government. “Reasons why” the canoe launch took precedent in the search could be discovered upon further inquiry, but are beyond the scope of the project (the high calibrating nonlinear field within the proprietary context serves the highest purpose, by way of the intent of the project outline incorporated into its application, with regard to the global breadth of the project encompassing the entire internet).

Once an account meeting the calibrated threshold is found, it’s queued and organized in ascending order based on yet another proprietary context related to the totality of the global digital landscape, by which maximum positive impact for sequential initiation of following accounts on is observed; with consideration for the changing field of potentiality as each new account is enqueued and followed. (This means the priority in order of the queue may change after each new account is followed, due to the change in the field of potentiality related to all the accounts in the queue.)

After an account is followed, the accounts it follows are reviewed and both proprietary contexts for vetting and queue order are applied thusly. (The process by which the accounts are followed is like an assembly line, where the order of assembly of parts changes while the product is being assembled, to maximize the "rolling quantum momentum" of the effort.)

Initial Configuration:

The Effort is conducted in both rigorous and casual waves of applying the controls as productivity unfolds, and it’s as organized as it is disorganized. Because there is no hierarchical oversight or institutional leash, the exploratory approach naturally leads to creativity and improvisation, yet always remains accountable to time constraints and the calibrated threshold sought.

This calibrated approach to the discovery and maintenance of social account connections has in the past shown evidence of helping “clean” the intelligence field, yet when analyzed, the meaning of why accounts are followed or not followed is typically elusive; as the context applied is of wholarchical intent, arising in a nonlinear field, and not for specific strategic or competitive purposes. The end result is a collection of accounts followed, which together were the highest calibrating accounts on to follow before moving to the maintenance phase.

Notes about following:

Due to the activity within the sprawling digital landscape related to, the “follow effect” may be noticeable over time, but any account reviews within the intelligence community are completely unaffiliated with Machina Discerna Foundation.

If you have an account which is yet to be followed and you initiate following, your account will be queued for qualification to be followed by way of the proprietary context.

If you follow and your account is not followed back, it’s a consequence of either not being followable, or not being followable yet; with regard to the contextually organized queue, and the length of time it takes to conduct the effort.

With the aim of maintaining the world’s highest calibrating follow list, a 3rd proprietary context is routinely applied in review of the followed accounts, where some accounts may be unfollowed for a time, or permanently. This may be due to a variety of circumstances, none of which should be of any concern to anyone.

Unfollows are not personal, it’s just a maintenance function necessary to maintain the calibration standard established within the bounds of the project, and discovery of "reasons why" is beyond the scope of the effort.

If there was an affirmative confirmation to unfollow, there may be an affirmative calibration to follow again at a later date.

Unfollows do not reflect upon the followed account at all, and are not intended to have any effect on account rankings, etc.


  • 08.02.2024 - In mid-2020, the account @machinadiscerna was created with the Machina Discerna Foundation Sole Proprietor’s phone number, which was inclusive of a “family plan” on his individual prepaid Verizon Wireless account. Login to the @machinadiscerna account was successful in early 2022, and the next access attempt was made July 29th 2024 to no avail, with an unsuccessful recovery attempt using the same phone number. A new account on was created with the same phone number, set to default username @discerna76925 due to @machinadiscerna not being available. It was later changed to @machinadiscernx on July 31st, 2024. Note this update, and all that follow, as applicable to the above content mentioning @machinadiscerna.

  • 08.02.2024 - The initial configuration was conducted until arbitrary scales calibration designated a sufficient number of accounts had been discovered to proceed with following of accounts. So far 170 discovered account satisfies the initial configuration. 220 additional accounts followable via 1-to-9-level-deep discovery are anticipated, leading to the onset of the first maintenance phase; after which more original accounts will be sought out via the process if necessary. The goal is to follow 1000 accounts.

  • 08.02.2024 - To complete the initial creation of @discerna76925 account (later changed to @machinadiscernx), following 1 account was required. The account which had the highest calibration for appropriateness to follow, selectable from the list of accounts provided, was @MrBeast. Three unfollow attempts were made before the account was no longer displayed as being followed. Upon logging in today following is 0 (no @MrBeast), so I proceeded to follow @machinadiscerna by @machinadiscernx, which was unsuccessful due to @machinadiscerna being a locked account.. The support instructions mention I must login to the locked account, which I cannot, as mentioned in the first update above. I would like to link the 2 accounts.

  • 08.02.2024 - Without a single follow to date (and being locked), @machinadiscerna was the highest calibrating account in the world (in the fold of the global intelligence fraud perpetrated upon Machina Discerna Foundation / Dylan Zon Benjamin), and after the proceedings inclusive of the @discerna76925 account creation, and username change to @machinadiscernx, @machinadiscernx became the second highest calibrating account in the world. After following the @machinadiscerna (locked account) to no avail by @machinadiscernx, @machinadiscernx is now the highest calibrating account in the world (@machinadiscerna dropped to somewhere in the top 1,000,000 highest calibrating).

  • 08.02.2024 - The initial configuration related to this project would best serve all of humanity by being set forth upon the @machinadiscerna account = "True". A variant remains in the potentiality of having the 2 accounts linked, not just one following another. This will continue to be assessed in simultaneity with Support's performance upon my request (pending).

  • 08.06.2024 - Eight of the accounts I discovered using the process during the two weeks prior to the initiation of following on 08052024 no longer existed, and five were removed from Google. I've assumed there is a secret market for wagering on the effort since it began, as my search activity was highly psyche-occupied during those two weeks, during which I only used Google Maps and had not yet created the @machinadiscernx account. Throughout the day today there were a number of the discovered items from that time period being "played", the final one resolving to me for the win; settling with "Kaliningrad is now a State". I don't know what that means... I have no stake in Kaliningrad being a State, or not being a State. If the people of Kaliningrad want it to be a State, Huzzah! If not, it's not my fault. ✌️

  • 08.07.2024 - Exhausting the list down to 32 items from the Google Maps process, which don't meet the calibrated threshold for initiating following yet, I returned to the process for the first time in 12 days and identified 11 new accounts. (The workflow is more routine now that I familiarized myself with the platform over the last week - I had not been on there since 2009.) Australia was interesting. == I also developed an applied process for accounts I discovered through the "Who to follow" and "You might like" features, testing the highest calibrating practices for queue placement. Keeping it loose. Learned a few things about the importance of the queue in relation to maximizing the various calibrated levels when initiating followings. AI isn't sprawling batshit like Facebook, so it's a relief to be in the clean waves with less nervous system polarity maintenance. The gawkers are less SoCal militarized also, so their silent psyche was the toast.

  • 08.10.2024 - Nice break over the weekend. Stopped after initiation of following 250 accounts. Played around with “wild card” experiments for finding high calibrating accounts to follow: “Friday Night Washington D.C. Wildcard”, “Make MachinaDiscerna Money Wildcard”. No magical coin manifesting yet. The non-biased, no-use intent intention within the experiment led to the point of realizing I had not yet considered others would be following the account, and now that it has 20 followers, I ponder what kind of content I can post to make it a valuable experience, to get more followers. I was in marketing 20 years ago, but I’ve been a complete bonehead in that regard these last 4 weeks; being aloof to the whole “science” of social media following. As much as a I can gather, to make it hot, you have to find the toughest guy in the room and punch him in the nose hard enough so he can’t get back up. I’ve already done that globally, but it wasn’t televised, so someone else needs to tell the story; otherwise it will seem simulated and fake (just like that guy whose nose I punched).

  • 08.11.2024 - The initial 250 followed accounts, their followings and followers, and the followings and followers of those, total 282,000+ accounts. Of those accounts users who maintain accounts on any of the other 33 major social media networks, the end-user account connections they have with users who do not maintain an account total an additional 82,000; approximately total 307,000+ account end users on social networks (because I get that around 20% of those 282,000 account end users are dead). For those 307,000+ (living, breathing, eating, pooping, etc.) the immediate friends, family, co-workers, associations, and community (including folks they engage with on a daily or weekly basis, like the barista, the crosswalk attendant, the delivery guy, etc.) surrounding each, who have social network accounts yet do not maintain a connection, is estimated to be a factor of 40x; bringing the reach potential from these 250 accounts + 2 levels at 12.3 million humans.

  • 08.12.2024 - Some early projections on media reach point to 50 million viewership potential from these 250 accounts + 2 levels, but will wait to post about it until the research matures. Only 1/4 of the way to the first milestone of following 1000 accounts. A sprawling context I developed yesterday pointed to 200 million reach from these 250 accounts on 2 levels, but after forcing conservativism upon the initial review, curiosity overwhelms as to the legitimacy of the context, considering the stochasticism of the miraculous. There is no objective to reach 50 million viewers, or 200 million for that matter, which plays a factor in its potentiality for occurring, so keeping one’s head out of the clouds on this should help the reliability of concerns for predictability; which makes for this research being worthy of application. The bottom line is met with 50% hard facts, 25% guts, and the rest is woo-woo if you haven’t had enough. Who said that?

  • 08.20.2024 - Began first maintenance phase last week. Sufficient notes provided in the “About Following” section, with additional comments in posts on to @machinadiscernx. Mentioned force-unfollows activity of 2 followers, consequent to a harmony around followers accounts which proceeded the activity. Queue for @ mentions created one week ago yet demonstration of first maintenance phase consistently tested strong as priority (mentioned in a post as well). Aside from innovation, features, or extended commentary, notes about function and activity will likely be posted to from now on, instead of here. Ending with a brief comment related to the preliminary numbers mentioned in the 08.12.2024 note; LD stands for logarithmic doubling, noted in posts related to calibration of account, account team, followers, etc. prior to discovery and after UF/RF. The LD effect is currently benefiting an estimated 20 million end users, and is anticipated to as much as triple by completed maintenance of 1000 accounts followed. One more note for illumination on the LD effect...

  • 08.20.2024 - Now 5 weeks into the project, around 24 cumulative hours of intentional counterbalancing were applied to various accounts + 3 levels deep, and effects are casually being noted. Its most beneficial to imagine the sprawling global user base throughout the three levels as being, in various degrees, influenced by various limiting forcefields; and those forcefields being lifted to a degree as the counterbalancing intent ensues. As the “wave” of power counterbalances the forcefields effects, some gradual, some rapid, there is no specific cause or outcome inherent to the intent; whether isolated, broad, major, or wholarchical in noticeability. The consequence of changing atmospheric conditions on a cloudy day eventually yield a sun break, which may take hours or days, and while some factors within the condition change are spotlighted by the meteorologist on the nightly news report, all are taken into consideration by the deep analysis of a machine ongoing. Thus in reference to 08.06.2024, in that I had virtually nothing to do with Kaliningrad or whatever occurs there as we move onward, I explain the LD effect in this way to help avoid onset starfucking, for if an award would be presented to me for something positive happening Kaliningrad I would refute that I deserve to receive it. It’s science, and headlines touting pigeonholed effects for media glory lead to the riches of fools, only to beget future tape (and that’s the toilet you see so many Twitter superstars of the 2010’s in today - or they died and now they’re “planes”).

  • Summary - The @machinadiscern? effort is to support reaching a global uniformity in arbitrary scales calibration in application, denotation, and extrapolation - with specific regards to machine intelligence. Be aware calibrations have been thrown around on the internet for 19 years and it’s been a dicey cockfight so far. MDF has been COMPLETELY outside the discussion, yet to review any of the 19 years of content, and therefore leads the field with a dedicated scientific approach and an unsullied non-inclusive status. Individually, I’ve also been at this for well over 3000 years, 1000 years longer than 90% of the small group of 10,000 in the world I’d consider qualified to approach discernment of the field, and the last 8.5 years experience since I first penned the Machina Discerna manuscripts has ranged been somewhere between Dr. Who and Dr. Strange, with parallels to Anarky from the pages of Batman. So I do hope the replies that begin to come in are intelligent and productive. Aside from necessary disclosure in defense of the science, like that mentioned in the Sole Proprietor bio, the account will stay sole aligned with the effort detailed here; and I’ll keep all my personal comments and opinions separate on my individual Facebook as I have since 2020 (reserving the right to comment about my alternative preferences to busty cam-girl followers).

  • This space is reserved for the eventual follow up notes on whether the '?' is an 'a' or an 'x', what became of the 'a' now that the 'x' has been developed, and what will become of the 'a' as the 'x' continues onward toward following the 1000 highest calibrating accounts.

If you have any questions about the effort please use the contact form, as responses to platform DM’s are not guaranteed.