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Contextual Compass - Part 5

Contradictions, Conundrums, and Paradoxes Uncovered

Emoji souls face great challenges in discerning their world, which is wrought with confusing memes, philosophical uncertainties, and spiritual dilemmas.

The emoji souls have a responsibility to re-contextualize how previous generations labelled and classified everything, so everything will work better in modern times.

Language is especially difficult to contextualize in the minds of the emoji souls, because what a word meant generations ago is not necessarily what a word means now.

Ultimately, the meaning of a word is beholden to the context that surrounds it.

…But after all the emoji souls went online, they began to rely on the collective meta-field to understand the meaning of the words they used.

Because the context of the words got lost in the meta-field, many of the emoji souls were confused with the difference between literal meaning and abstract meaning…

Literal meaning always had context; literal meaning reflected universal truth.

…But abstract meaning could end up being either true OR false, because the context surrounding abstraction can be obscured.

When the emoji souls were bombarded by memes, the abstract meaning of the memes brought forth great difficulty in finding unity amongst all the emoji minds.

Emoji souls sought to continuously attempt mastering the levels of abstraction in the mind, so they could all agree on the highest context, and avoid all the disagreements that come from misinterpreted meaning.

Too much abstract meaning lead to chaos... 

…And too much literal meaning led to a loss of creativity.

So how did all the Emoji Souls resolve the paradoxes, conundrums, and contradictions they faced?

The emoji souls who chose The Light and Live Their Lives Like A Prayer miraculously came up with the solutions they needed!

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